WishList Member Logo

WishList Member Accounts

Manage your WishList Member account, subscriptions, downloads, and more!

WishList Member 3.26.6

  • Fixed the content protection issue introduced by the fix for BuddyPress content protection in the previous version
  • Fixed Stripe coupon showing as validated even for the incorrect plan/product
  • Eliminated the extra ajax call for retrieving Stripe coupon details by including it in the validation response itself
  • Fixed required checkbox causing critical error in custom registration forms
  • Fixed inaccurate number of recipients when previewing an email broadcast
  • Fixed PHP fatal error (allowed memory size exhausted) in the API
  • Fixed PHP warnings and deprecations
  • Fixed ConvertKit lists showing up as blank
  • Fixed ConvertKit JS uncaught type error
  • Fixed custom registration form required fields error if field name has a space



